"With less than two months to go before Election Day, I would normally speak to a gathering like this about the differences between my and my opponent’s plans for our military and for our national security. There is a time and a place for that, but this day is not it." Source
On the day when all of America was focused upon the tragic events of September 11, 2001, Willard seemed to have forgotten that today was not about him! On the day when most Americans reflected in solemn remembrance and prayer for the thousands of people who lost their lives on that fateful day, Willard could not forgo the opportunity to remind us all of something far less important - him! On the day when Americans honored our Treasure who fought and continue to valiantly fight for our freedom and democracy, Willard attempted to use this to make sure his
laundry list was checked.
On the day when Democrats and Republicans united and pledged to dispense with the politics in consideration and tribute to those who died and in consideration for those who loved them, Willard found it necessary to remind us of "the differences". More divisiveness, once again.
Shame on you, Willard Mitt Romney! Shame on You!
Perhaps, Willard had once again gone off-script. Or perhaps, he knew exactly what he was saying. No doubt, he will provide an inane retort blaming the media for attempting to make something out of nothing; because after-all you never really get out of campaign mode even when you promise to.
We all know Willard
lies. His
lies are very well
chronicled by the fact checkers to whom his campaign will not be dictated to. But, one might certainly say that all politicians lie or tell half truths. We have come to expect it. So no big deal. But, REALLY to go back on YOUR WORD - YOUR PLEDGE - to hold off on the political campaign rhetoric for just one day is simply
I just wonder, if Willard's word is not his bond on something so simple, so easy as to not campaign on the anniversary of events that changed us all, how can he be trusted to keep his word to Americans or our allies?
Hey! He's just appealing to his base, one might say. Yes, I get it. But, I caution Willard to remember that there are rats in the basement and one of them is just might be named
"Tea Party Ben".
For All Intents & Purposes, So Glad You Stopped By!
HeB is the owner of For All Intents & Purposes. As a SwAAW (Strong-willed African-American Woman), HeB reserves the right to speak her mind, voice her opinion, and just tell it like it is. A Baby-boomer - whose voice was shaped by the Last Poets, the Funkadelics, Malcolm, Martin, incense, and black-lights - HeB's voice is not dictated by her employer, professional,social, philanthropic, academic, educational or service or organization of which she is a member or affiliated.